IT security
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IT security

IT security is a topic that is up at the moment, and certainly not without reason. New security threats are constantly emerging and the rapid development of IT infrastructures is constantly creating new challenges.

Cyber ​​attacks are an ever-increasing problem with a constantly changing threat picture. Firewalls and antivirus programs are constantly optimized to counter all threats, but new ones are coming - and user behavior can be incredibly difficult to control. A single wrong click on an attachment can allow malicious hackers to access the company's data. Attacks such as CryptoLocker occurs frequently and both small and large companies are affected.

A constantly updated firewall and antivirus software is a must, but since it is almost impossible to secure 100%, it is just as important to have the right preparedness for what to do if the accident occurs. If the backup routines are in place and there is remote backup, the systems can be restored and any damage can be quickly and effectively isolated and limited.

As an IT partner for a large number of companies in both Greenland and Denmark, we are constantly updated. We help many of our clients with their safety - policies, procedures and immediate help, if things have already gone wrong.

does your setup need a security check?

If you need a security check or a talk about threats and opportunities, contact us and we will help you quickly.